A resource hub for all things special education.

 Free resources, interventions, and special education curriculum printables.

Printable Lessons

Find printables for reading lessons, math lessons, behavior interventions, and data collection.

On the go bags to help engage and calm

  • Great for classrooms, car rides and airplane rides, child care centers, therapy centers, wrap around services, medical offices, and so much more!

  • Bags filled with 15+ sensory fidgets that incorporate sense of smell, touch, sight, hearing.

  • Each drawstring bag comes with soft fabric headband to offer deep pressure or soften loud sounds.



Assistance with IEPs, future goals, problem-solving, behavioral issues, advocacy, sensory integration.

Resources & Interventions

Your questions and concerns answered!

IDEA, sensory integration, educational and behavioral health supports, extracurricular activities

“My mission is to help as many people whose lives are graciously touched by the ability to learn differently.”

Julie Stringe, Founder, Creator, Educator, Behavioral Program Professional.